Sunday, April 20, 2014

What am I doing to my life?

This question may make many of us sad, leave many clueless; leave others in bad taste but I think now I have a vision which I want to share. In my life, up till now, fear played an important role in my upbringing and how I tackled fear proved even more significant role. 

For a few days I was going through bad patches, too much thinking about wrong decisions I made in life, troubled sleep, no help from psychological sleeping, yoganidra, worries about things that concerned, and then I realised, no wait, I’m still alive and have choice to change. 

Have seen how wilful change in perspective, approach and attitude make difference. Regained confidence, restarted working on mental plans I had made early this year. I have acquired knowledge, gathered insights, have better social understanding now; I've also learned to make adjustment with people who were strict-no-just-coz-not-my-type before. 
I had lost touch with myself, in customizing, during these years; I'm assuming my own form.  Now that I have a vision, I’m engaged giving it a desired shape. Understanding fear in a better way will speed up the shaping for sure.